Saturday, August 15, 2020

Open Education Resources

 As we head into the new school year fully virtual, I'm hoping that we, as an education community, will take this opportunity to lean in to Open Education Resources (and away from reliance on resources sourced from Teachers Pay Teachers).  

Many educators at the elementary level aren't even aware of the OER movement -- mostly because it started in higher ed and hasn't really trickled down yet.  To bring awareness, I've created this presentation to deliver to the elementary buildings I serve as an Instructional Technology Coach.  It's nothing fancy, but my vision was to give teachers an opportunity to explore these sites with their grade level teams with a curriculum goal or lesson in mind.  I hope it might be helpful!


Creative Commons License    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My Teaching Tech in the Classroom

Starting a new blog with all of this Corona-cation time I seem to have on my hands.  I figured I'd start with a product I created recently -- a Google Site I was asked to create for the tech coach interview.  I enjoyed using Sites -- it was easy to navigate and very intuitive.  Head on over!

Open Education Resources

 As we head into the new school year fully virtual, I'm hoping that we, as an education community, will take this opportunity to lean in...